Energy Worker Suzanne Thomas offers some gentle insights into the transformational and healing power of trees and nature. I had the pleasure of meeting Suzanne in the Nature Spirits Essence Garden last summer, when she was up visiting during our Advanced Essence Practitioner Diploma course. Suzanne writes the monthly Heart and Thought spiritual newsletter which I find so insightful and touching, and you can learn more about Suzanne’s work and sign up to her wonderful newsletter here.
Most of us would agree, that being out in nature relaxes us. Whether that is due to the balancing colour green, or being out in the fresh air, with our feet touching the grounding earth. Outside we are stripped away from alien energies. We resonate with the energies of nature as they are so much a part of us. From the point of origin, we are all made from the same stuff, and interconnected. Each with its own path, and role. As we take ourselves away from nature, or our natural home, we feel stress and tension.
In these days there is so much pressure and fear, and many of us inwardly would like to scream and run to safety. To be out in nature is a decompression, allowing your emotions room to settle, and your mind to calm. At times we all need a break, whether it be a holiday, a day out, or even just a few hours. It gives us time to rebalance. Allow yourself to have this reset.
These days there is much talk about forest bathing. (Mind you, not all forests are friendly, due to the character of the trees, so be choosey.) Pleasure can be obtained by just walking into a forest, and taking deep breaths as you are walking along. As well as getting more oxygen into our bodies, as many of us are light breathers, you also take in the beneficial smells and energies. (If you are stuck in the city, you can simulate a walk in the forest, by burning essential oils, sitting in a chair and closing your eyes. If you have a favourite pine or fir forest, burning a fir essential oil will take you right back to that memory, as smell has a direct route to memories.)
Trees are a great healing resource. A well-known tree healer is aspirin from the willow, but there is so much more to the healing ways of trees. Whether it be aromatherapy oils, essences, or knowledge gained when linking in with them. Or just by sitting with your back against an Oak and feeling it’s strength seeping into you. Everybody has a tree linked to the day they were born, or even the time of year. Other plants too have healing properties on various levels. Indeed, our environment and all within it are our pharmacy.
All of creation gives off a note or notes, from planets to various environments, plants, crystals animals and humans etc give off a vibration, note or notes. As Iona from Nature Spirits Scotland states; “Flower, Gem and Element Essences work as they are energetic imprints of nature, with their own vibrational quality. If you have the right equipment to record these notes and energies it is amazing to see more deeply, what draws us to particular sacred places, flora, fauna and even to our fellow human beings.”
To be near to my source, for me is to be in nature. Each of us have a type of environment that calls us the most, whether it be coastal, sea, countryside, rivers, mountains, woods, or forests. Hear the call and listen to what it is telling you. Bathe in its energy. If we have ears to hear, we can gain much knowledge of all around us, and ourselves. Nature is our blessing. Go into it in wonder and give thanks.
We all come from the same Source
September’s Self-Care Practice from Nature Spirits Scotland
This month, deepen your connection with nature by tuning into one of these 7 tree essence affirmations and invite the tree’s wisdom into your daily or weekly practice. Pair this affirmation practice with taking one of our Scottish tree essences; Ancient Yew for emergence, Birch for vision, Elder for beauty, Hazel for freedom, Rowan for forgiveness, Scot’s Pine for wisdom or Sycamore for strength.
Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!