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Posted by Iona Oran Housby on the 7th of March 2024

The ancient practice of space clearing has been used by many civilisations to help restore harmony in personal spaces, in the home and in our working and ceremonial environments. 

Today, the practice has evolved mainly from the the ancient art of Feng Shui, which includes rituals to create harmonious places for human activity, essentially by improving the flow of chi. 

Chi or qi means ‘air’ and can be translated as life force, or being ‘in flow’ with the air element. 

When practised mindfully, space clearing helps us create sacred places for connecting – to bring light and harmony to a place, blessing it with beauty and order. 

Sacred spaces provide a means of access between our human world, nature and universal realities and can be a field for transformation. 

So how can we do this? There are many ways including sounding a bell, burning a smudge stick or using Marion Leigh’s famous SACRED SPACE mist. 

After years of training with the three founders of Findhorn, Marion created vibrational flower, element essences and blended these with essential oils 15 years ago. 

Years later, our AWARD-WINNING Sacred Space Room Mist contains Rose and Frankincense essential oils and AirEarthEtherFire and Water vibrational essences.

Sacred Space

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