Posted by Iona Oran Housby on 31st Mar 2023

Greetings Friends! This month we are embracing the powerful time of the Equinox by exploring how we can all create an inner energetic ‘spring clean’ using the power of flowers. Essences can help us to energetically shift addictive tendencies and dependencies on people, places and things by providing subtle support.
Changing our behaviours and thoughts isn’t always easy. Addiction and dependency on people, things and routines can negatively affect how we feel about our lives. Now is the time for that inner spring clean and focus on personal growth. You can also watch Iona’s video for some helpful insights here.
Are you looking to shift some old patterns? Then TRANSFORMATION could be for you! This essence helps harmonise seemingly opposing parts of you, cultivate your inner strength to persevere and stay on course, and help you to willingly make sacrifices that serve your highest good.
Are you seeking some spiritual and psychic support? Then PSYCHIC PROTECTION could be for you! This essence helps you to feel calm and centred by creating a safe space within you, and around you. Psychic Protection can help in detaching from negative thought forms or energies when you feel vulnerable, or in overwhelming situations or environments.
Would like to experience inner healing by honouring your past more? Then INNER CHILD could be for you! This essence helps when childhood emotional wounds, attitudes and experiences of the past are still dictating how you react and respond to life today. Inner Child may help to change your behaviour patterns and to honour the child you were, in order to love the person you are now.

The Equinox is a perfect time for spiritual purification and awakening the spirits we celebrate the power of life’s natural cycles from birth, youth, death and rebirth! A time of hope and potential of the coming season. This is a sacred day of equal parts light and dark, facing outward as well as turning inward, and allowing our past and future to merge in the present.
As we come together in body, mind and spirit, we can reach out for what we truly want! One of my Buddhist Dharma teachers Pema Chodron says “It is a time to celebrate the dance of life and show up for yourself every day exactly as you are. No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep blooming!”
Healing Blessings to you all,